Scutum Group

Our CSR Policy


At Scutum, we believe that security is a common good, key to communities, whose development and prosperity rely on a safe and secure environment.

Security should, as a result, be accessible to all, and we intend to lead the way with professional and exemplary practices. As a major player in the security of people and assets, we have a responsibility to our stakeholders, our people, the communities we are part of and, more broadly, to the planet.


The foundation of our sustainable development strategy

Scutum’s Corporate and Social Responsibility strategy, built around ethics, commitment and trust, focuses on the communities in which we operate, and how we can affect positively society, whether economically, socially or environmentally. It prioritises issues that are most important to our stakeholders – our employees, customers and partners – and where we, as a company, can make the greatest impact.

We believe it is our mission to make security and safety accessible to all. A responsibility that we are intent on accelerating over the years.

Our ambition is built around three pillars:


Best Place to Work for

“Working for a company focused on ensuring my safety at work and skill development is important for me.”

Jacques, engineer. At Scutum since XXX


Giving back

Providing technologically-advanced solutions to communities contributes to ensuring their safety and development.”



Towards Carbon Neutrality

“It is important for us to work with a partner that shares the same values and is committed, just as we are, to help preserve our planet.”

XXX (customer TOTAL?)

Our commitments and initiatives

Ensure an ethics-focused and inclusive corporate culture

Improve response time and quality in case of an incident

For more efficient police and fire departments’ interventions.

Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) according to the Paris Agreement.

The launch of Digital Services enables us to limit engineers’ travel to customer sites with remote maintenance.

Accelerate employees’ skill development with Scutum Academy

Scutum Academy was launched to ensure the successful onboarding of new recruits, as well develop internal training programmes for our existing employees to advance skill development.

Continuously support local charities that work with communities.

Scutum organised a fundraising event for the Rugby Portobello Trust that supports the North Kensington community. A team of 15 swimmers swam 1 mile in a lake to raise funds.

Compensate our emissions by planting trees.

Every year Treedom plants 1000 trees on behalf of Scutum.