Scutum Partners with Treedom to plant Trees

Scutum has partnered with Treedom to plant 1,000 trees per year over the next 3 years. This partnership will help the group contribute to a greener and fairer world, as well as absorb some of our carbon emissions. Reducing carbon footprint is not an option anymore and the Glasgow Climate Pact, signed at the COP26 in 2021, highlights the need to accelerate action on climate this decade.

Each tree planted will absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere and store it in its wooden parts. This process removes CO₂ from the atmosphere, and its effects are greater the longer the trees are able to grow and live. 1,000 trees will enable to absorb over 250,000 kg of CO₂.

Various species of trees will be planted over the next few months in Kenya, Cameroon, Madagascar, Colombia, Tanzania, Ecuador and Nepal.

Treedom also finances projects in rural communities around the world. The first step is the training and financing of the communities involved in the projects, obtaining extraordinary results in terms of their own empowerment. The trees and their fruits belong to the farmers, allowing them to diversify and supplement their income and in some cases to launch micro-entrepreneurship initiatives.

The Treedom Scutum page is available here, and the Scutum Forest page here.

Scutum group